First, we like to ensure that your webpage is fully responsive, and this means that it works across computer, tablet and mobile. This is extremely important because mobile traffic is becoming a larger share of overall internet traffic. You don’t want to ignore mobile traffic because it can convert well, and sometimes it can be much more cost effective than tablet or desktop traffic.
Marketing to mobile users can be much different than to desktop, as it is a completely different user experience and usually a different demographic. We know the right changes to make to ensure you have a seamless transition from ad to action in the mobile environment.
The next step to creating a successful advertising campaign is research and development. We want to figure out who your customers are and how to target them. By looking at data from your previous customers and doing a bit of brain storming we can come up with some potential ideas for marketing campaigns.
Once we have a campaign plan, we then decide where to advertise. We have experience advertising on social, display, search, and native traffic so there are many ad networks at our disposal. Generally we like to start with social traffic because it offers a wide variety of targeting options, however sometimes we do begin with others if they are a better fit.
After deciding where to advertise we build out the campaigns, and get them ready for launch.
The next step in the process is to review performance on your advertising campaigns. This process is pretty straight forward, we review performance and then optimize to the best combination of targets and creative.
Once we have found the optimal combination we then scale those targets with the message, while cutting out underperforming targets and messages. By doing this we will improve your ROI, and increase the scale of your campaigns.
After successfully running an advertising campaign for you on one ad network the next steps would be to find additional scale (if that is what you want) or test other sources to try and reduce the cost per acquisition.
If you want additional scale we would first begin testing different targets to try and branch out on the current ad network, and we would find other sources of traffic for you. In the meantime we would continue to test new creatives on our current sources to keep the advertising message fresh. Additionally we can try out different ad types such as video.
If we are already hitting your budget, then we could continue testing on the current ad network to try and reduce the cost per acquisition. Also we would begin testing different ad types and messages to see if they can improve performance of the campaigns.